We are a mobile-based cashless platform that connects farmers to retailers
We Build Relationships That Last
More than an anything at Taimba, we are focused on our relationship with Farmers and Retailers. To us, they are not just trading partners, but friends that we just happen to do business with.
We Understand Farmers
Right Price: We ensure that as a farmer, you get value for your produce by getting paid on time and at the right value.
Ready Market: Our Retailers Network offers a ready market for the farmer while removing the logistical challenges that would normally compound market access.
Support: We link farmers to partners who provide support to farmers on best farming practices

What We Offer Our Retailers, Vendors and Consumers
Think Global, Act Local
The journey of Taimba is the journey of a generation, we seek and continue to move forward with organizations and partners that share in our vision for farmers.
Dominique Kavuisya

Product Specialization
Our infrastructure is currently tooled for the following products
Vulnerable and Essential Farm Products
We are focused on Potatoes, Onions, Carrots and Tomatoes as they are very vulnerable to market price volatility, seasons and have a short shelf life where proper storage is non-existent.